The word “牛(ぎゅう、gyu)” in “牛タン(ぎゅうたん、gyutan)” means “cow” or “beef” in English.
The word “タン(tan)” is actually derived from the English word “tongue,” which together means “cow tongue.
Other words using the word “牛(ぎゅう、gyu, cow)” are;
牛肉(ぎゅうにく、gyuniku): cow meat
牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう、gyunyu): cow milk
牛丼(ぎゅうどん、gyudon): beel bowl
The 網(あみ、ami)is grilling grate.
変える(かえる、kaeru) means to change.
変えてください(かえてください、kaetekudasai) means please change.
[ Watch this phrase in video!]